Sunday 6 August 2023

Derrida and Deconstruction

This blog is part of our Thinking Activity. Which was given by our Professor Dilip Barad. The topic of the blog is study on 'The  Derrida and Deconstruction.'

  • What I understand by Deconstruction ??

Deconstruction is a philosophical and critical theory approach developed by French philosopher Jacques Derrida. It challenges traditional assumptions and binary oppositions in language, literature, and other disciplines. The term itself very difficult to understand because there is not any definition given by Derrida . As we use to understand the thing from definition and it becomes easy way for us to understand and this thing make this term difficult to understand.

     "Deconstruction is not destructive activity but inquiry into the foundation and causes of intellectual system." 


    Derrida strongly believe that to define something is to make to boundaries around it. Deconstruction can be taken as a  process of inquiring the origin amd consrtuction of the text. Deconstruction do not destroy of any text but its questions it . So one can get to the idea of existence of the text.

   Deconstruction is not word and not belive in dictionary meaning as dictionary gives only another word or we can say it decentralised only another word for one word or we we can say it decentralised from center.

Deconstuction means not breaking or for the sake of breaking, it is not destructive activity but an inquiry into the foundations means open up the word and try to get up different meaning from same text. In other words Being skeptic , doubt and ask questions to the text or event is Deconstruction. Thus, Derrida want to transform the way people think.

Deconstruction is a philosophical and critical theory approach developed by French philosopher Jacques Derrida. It challenges traditional assumptions and binary oppositions in language, literature, and other disciplines. It seeks to reveal the inherent complexities and contradictions in texts, questioning their fixed meanings and hierarchical structures. Deconstruction emphasizes the play of language and the idea that meanings are never fully stable, opening up multiple interpretations and possibilities. It has been influential in fields such as literary criticism, cultural studies, and postmodern philosophy.

  • Deconstruct the movie Hellaro


"Hellaro" is a 2019 Indian Gujarati-language period drama film directed by Abhishek Shah. Set in the backdrop of rural Gujarat in the 1970s, the film explores themes of women's empowerment, freedom, and breaking societal norms. The story revolves around a group of women from different backgrounds and age groups, who are part of a traditional community.

From this dialogue, we can easily understand that the wife belongs only to her husband, it can be interpreted that the female character in this movie is not at all independent in her own way. It totally depends on the male character. Their lives take a transformative turn when a young woman named Manjhri joins them. She challenges the status quo by questioning the oppressive customs and traditions that limit women's choices and expression.

The film delves into the journey of these women as they find their voices and identities, transcending their roles as mere homemakers. Through dance and music, they not only discover a sense of liberation but also a renewed sense of camaraderie and unity. The narrative captures their struggles, both internal and external, as they navigate the patriarchal norms that have restricted their lives for generations. As their spirits begin to flourish, they also face resistance and backlash from the conservative male-dominated society.

'Hellaro' portrays the power of collective action and solidarity, highlighting the importance of individual agency within a group dynamic. The emotional journey of the characters, portrayed through captivating performances, allows the audience to connect with the challenges and triumphs of these women. The film's title, derived from the Gujarati word for "outburst," encapsulates the essence of the story—the women's collective outburst against the chains that have held them back.

Cinematographically, "Hellaro" captures the rustic beauty of rural Gujarat, immersing the viewer in its vibrant landscapes and cultural nuances. The film's music and choreography play a pivotal role in conveying the women's emotions and transformation, often using traditional folk forms. In the song also use traditional music and garba.

In conclusion, "Hellaro" is a poignant and visually stunning film that weaves together social commentary, artistic expression, and the resilience of women in a patriarchal society. It serves as a powerful reminder of the strength that can emerge when individuals come together to challenge the established norms and fight for their rights and freedoms.

  • Deconstruction on advertisement : -

The "Glow & Lovely" ad is about a cream that helps make your skin look lighter and more radiant. The ad shows pictures of people with darker skin before using the cream and then with lighter skin after using it. It says the cream can make your skin tone even and your face look nice. The ad tries to make you feel that having lighter skin is better and will make you happier. It's meant for people who think lighter skin is more attractive. The ad wants you to buy the cream and use it to look better. But some people say these ads are not good because they can make people feel bad about their own skin colour and they're not fair to everyone.

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