Friday 11 November 2022

Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice:-

A task given by Yesha Ma'am is that the topic is Pride and Prejudice. Yasha ma'am also held a movie screening for our better understanding. In this blog I shared my views about movie screening and novel.


1. Which version of the novel is more appealing? Novel or film (adaption)? Why?

Books are great because they allow the reader to be a part of the story; we are the observers that have insight into the character’s thoughts and feelings, and all the nuances that create three-dimensional characters. With books, there’s just more. More detail, more focus on character development, and more depth to the meaning of the artwork. It’s also the more time-consuming form of the two, and after finishing a novel, after a couple of hours of being immersed into a different world and mind space, it seems like you have suddenly been thrust back into reality.

On the other hand, the great thing about movies is their ability to show, and the overall experience of watching one. While reading a book, I often have a movie reel playing in my head. I can map out the setting, I can see the characters’ expressions, and I can empathize with their emotions.

However, watching the same story unfold on the big screen is a different experience. While reading spurs your imagination, a movie helps you visualize all the elements of the books that were previously confined to your imagination. It immerses you into the story in a different way than a book.

''The book was better'' is a common reaction to hear among the crowd exiting a movie theater. Indeed with the sheer volume of books being turned into movies today, it's almost impossible to find a movie on the big screen that wasn't first written on paper. And it's not just books, video games are finding their way to the big screen, too. For some, the adaptation is never as good as the original, while for others, the movie is the only thing worth enjoying.


In the classroom, the differences between an original story's form and movie form can be analyzed to develop critical-thinking skills and discuss the differences between plots, storylines, characters, and even the different merits of each medium, or the form in which a piece of art is presented. In this lesson, we'll explore a few of the different ways you can start thinking about these important questions before analyzing one such example.

In some movies, they switch up the characters because in the book they are different and totally the opposite.

When we read a book, we tend to visualize the characters a certain way and in movies they don’t look like the way we want them too. It disappoints us in many ways. I’ve read books before that have a plot twist at the end and in the movie it never happens.

Movies tend to last about two hours and books take their time and last longer. Movies rush things so that they can end it fast and there. Not everyone has access to movies or can afford going to movie theatres but books can be borrowed at the library or from a friend.

Books are portable and can be read online as well, anytime. When reading books, we get more knowledge and it helps us improve our vocabulary. Characters are described much better and with more detail.

One important thing that books do have and movies don’t is that they provide more background information than a movie does.

2. Character of Elizabeth ( Headstrong women, women with pride, judgemental mature, strong-opinions, controlled, honest)

The second daughter in the Bennet family, and the most intelligent and quick-witted, Elizabeth is the protagonist of Pride and Prejudice and one of the most well-known female characters in English literature. Her admirable qualities are numerous—she is lovely, clever, and, in a novel defined by dialogue, she converses as brilliantly as anyone. Her honesty, virtue, and lively wit enable her to rise above the nonsense and bad behavior that pervade her class-bound and often spiteful society.

Nevertheless, her sharp tongue and tendency to make hasty judgments often lead her astray; Pride and Prejudice is essentially the story of how she (and her true love, Darcy) overcome all obstacles—including their own personal failings—to find romantic happiness. Elizabeth must not only cope with a hopeless mother, a distant father, two badly behaved younger siblings, and several snobbish, antagonizing females, she must also overcome her own mistaken impressions of Darcy, which initially lead her to reject his proposals of marriage. Her charms are sufficient to keep him interested, fortunately, while she navigates familial and social turmoil. As she gradually comes to recognize the nobility of Darcy’s character, she realizes the error of her initial prejudice against him.

Jane Austen’s literary heroine Elizabeth ‘Lizzy’ Bennet is one of the most badass female literary characters ever written. Fiercely vocal about challenging stereotypes related to gender, social, and cultural norms, Lizzy remains a paramount figure of defiance and pride.

While her pride has proved costly at times, ironically portraying her as the very judgmental figure she often fights against, it nonetheless proves to be one of the many qualities of her character which fans adore. She isn’t perfect. However, there is a lot to learn from her character.

Here are nine reasons why Lizzy is a female role model to all readers!

1. She is confident in herself and won’t let others’ biases bring her down.

2. She is fiercely loyal to her sisters…even the annoying one. 

3. She refuses to let men intimidate her AND calls them out on their rude behavior.

4. She challenges others through her witty and intelligent retorts rather than through anger and petty remarks.

5. She doesn’t conform to others’ low expectations of her.

6. She would rather sacrifice financial security than be stuck in a loveless marriage with a man unworthy of her.

7. She doesn’t place a man’s value on his appearance. She judges a man for his morals rather than his attractiveness. 

8. She recognizes her faults and tries to right her mistakes rather than stay in denial.

9. Most importantly, perhaps, is her pride in books! 

3. Character of Darcy : -

Fitzwillia Darcy is a very arrogant man of England's upper crust. He is lord of Pemberley, an expensive estate located in the county of Derbyshire. He is fairly tall and handsome, but his demeanor is unfriendly, aloof, and unapproachable.

He has a sister, Georgiana, who adores him, and the feeling is mutual. It seems safe to assume that Darcy is a private man and that his upbringing has highly influenced his opinions of those around him. He is arrogant almost without knowing it, such has been the entitled world he has known.

We know that his housekeeper speaks highly of him, as she praises Darcy for being such a kind master in front of Elizabeth Bennet and her aunt and uncle, the Gardiners, when they take a tour of Pemberley. As is often the case with people, the negative first impression Darcy gives is not an accurate reflection of his noble character, though he has his flaws.

Mr. Darcy's flaws are best seen in the difficulty he has with relationships. Although he is loyal to those who are close to him, he doesn't seem to see the need to develop new friendships, particularly with those he feels are beneath him socially.

However, Mr. Bingley, Darcy's best friend, rents Netherfield Hall, an estate in the country near the Bennet family. Mrs. Bennet, whose one aim is to marry off her daughters to wealthy men, insists that her husband go and introduce himself. She hopes the Bingleys throw a ball, and they do. The idea of a ball most likely annoys Darcy, as he sees no need to associate with 'country bumpkins.'

Almost instantly, the eldest Bennet daughter, Jane, and Mr. Bingley fall in love. At the ball, Elizabeth overhears Darcy say of her, 'She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me.' She concludes that he is the most arrogant and prideful of men. She wants nothing to do with him. Sometimes first impressions are not completely accurate. Ironically, Darcy comes to think of Elizabeth as one of the most attractive women he has ever met, and Elizabeth's view of Darcy changes, as well.

Darcy exhibits all the good and bad qualities of the ideal English aristocrat — snobbish and arrogant, he is also completely honest and sure of himself. Darcy is not actually a titled nobleman, but he is one of the wealthiest members of the landed gentry — the same legal class that Elizabeth's much poorer family belongs to. While Darcy's sense of social superiority offends people, it also promotes some of his better traits. As Wickham notes in his sly assessment, "His pride never deserts him; but with the rich, he is liberal-minded, just, sincere, rational, honorable, and perhaps agreeable — allowing for fortune and figure."

4. Who would be your choice of actors to play the role of characters?

Characters are persons and individuals having their own unique personalities and qualities in a literary piece. Writers and authors use these characters to pinpoint their weaknesses and recklessness, virtues and vices and other features to make the stories impactful. Price and Prejudice have famous characters that seem relatable even in the present times. Some of these most important characters have been discussed below.

Elizabeth is my choice of actors to play the role of characters.The heroine and protagonist of pride and prejudice, Elizabeth is the most loveable character among the five sisters. Lizzy or Eliza as she is lovingly called is considered the most loveable of Austen’s all female protagonists. She is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet who owns the Longbourn Estate. Although she is to be married to Mr. William Collins, her quick thinking and acutely conscious mind warn her against it. Even she is not in favor of Mr. Darcy in the beginning as the story progresses, she chides herself for not recognizing his balanced personality. She sheds her prejudice against him and later becomes his beloved who also likes her playfulness and loving nature. At the end of the novel, she accepts Darcy’s proposal and marries him.

5. Write a note on a scene you liked the most.

Ans. Darcy's first proposal 

I know it failed, I know. But this is still one of my favorite scenes in the movie. Let’s start with the location: the garden, the rain, the running. Top tier. Then, there’s Darcy, out of breath with simp eyes. He does this god awful job of proposing, Lizzie yells at him about Wickham and breaking up Bingley and Jane, Darcy yells back at her because he’s sad now, Lizzie delivers a devastating blow, and then they stop. Now that they’ve gotten out all of the stuff that was lingering between them, all that’s left to do is kiss. They don’t, but they totally thought about it.

6. Compare the narrative strategy of novel and movie.

Ans :

Nowadays, if you ask a number of people if they prefer ‘books or movies’, it’s most certain that, there will be an extensive collection of different answers. For many centuries books have been the biggest source of stories that human kind has, but now, things are changing. Today’s way to get introduced to a new story is, to watch a movie. The demand for movies is constantly increasing, so, why do some people still read books? Why do a countless number of people like to watch movies? There are countless differences between them, yet, they also have a great deal of things in common.

Movies convey their emotions by hearing and by the picture, thanks to the great sound and visual effects the details seem more real. However, a movie projects one main picture that can be somehow limiting to the spectator, who, will not think any further to what is depicted on the screen. Books, on the other hand, are more often than not, visually boring and not as attractive. Nevertheless, books are not just bunch of letters and words, books make the reader capable of expanding their imagining capacities. Usually, after reading a book, there are countless ways to interpret the story and details, thanks to the lack of visual limitations. The several interpretations that a story can get tend to differ between movie-spectators, and, book-readers

Books vs Movies :

Entertainment is most important part of life. There are so many types of entertainment. One particular kind of entertainment that’s most popular is media: movies, books and TV shows. All of this types of media have many similarities. Obviously, there are many difference between them as well. Deciding whether to read book and see a movie or a TV show can depend on the person, or what sort of people might be around the person. For those who like to ready a more publically acceptable form of entertaining one’s self. Books can be read in the library, on buses, and even in cars without distracting or bothering other people. Books are very easy to travel with. Generally, when doing class work or studies for work, books are highly preferred over movies and television. It is much easier to find a book that concentrate mostly on one particular subject than it is to find a movie or series. Reading can be done at almost any time.

After reading a book and the viewing the movie about it, a person will notice several obvious difference. The two differ in that they portray different types of stories: the movie was made to sell tickets, and the novel was written to portray the imperfect hero. There are multiple other reasons that the difference between the two clear. The ending of the movie is the most notable because it is such an important part of story and because of the extent it was changed. Characters also came off different in the movie than they were in the book. 

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